Friday, July 29, 2011

{Summer Lovin'}

This picture perfectly depicts summer to me. A hot, sunny day spent at the beach, the long awaited summer vacation. I took this picture in June while on a quick weekend beach getaway.  I hope to get out this weekend and enjoy some more of this hot, summer heat. What does summer look like to you?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

{Cupcake Surprise}

I had fun surprising my friend with cupcakes for her birthday. Why cupcakes? Long story short: earlier this year I was planning a baby shower for my sister-in-law and one of the major components for the shower was making cupcakes. I had talked to my friend about the party and how I was excited to take pictures of the cupcakes, etc., and on and on I went. Later, I found out my friend had a dream that I made her cupcakes with yellow cake, pink frosting and coconut flakes! It was just too funny, so I decided then that I would surprise her for her birthday and make the cupcakes exactly how she dreamt them. She loved it!

all photos taken by me

Monday, July 18, 2011

{Smith Family Preview}

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to take pictures of my very good friend and her beautiful family.  She suggested meeting at the State Arboretum of Virginia, and we spent the day roaming through the gardens and grounds, catching up on life over lunch, lots of fun and silliness.